SP Elements

Cobot Welding Trolley


Cobots used for welding are highly adaptable and are often required to be moved between production areas. Our specially designed trolley, made of a welded steel construction, ensures stability even in the most demanding welding applications. In addition, storage for tooling and mountings for the cobot, cobot controller, welding units and tools provides a compact and neat solution.


Cobot Welding Trolley
Welding Cobot Trolley



• Storage for UR controller


• Storage for welding unit


• Storage for tooling


• Removable drawers under the table for ease of cleaning


Welding Trolley



• Tabletop 1200mm x 750mm x 16mm (Nitrided and black oxide)


• Ø16mm holes on a 50mm x 50mm array


• Flexible mounting position for cobot


The use of cobots in welding is growing and is helping to alleviate the problem of skills shortages. With the introduction of new welding plants and solutions from companies such as Smooth Robotics, teaching your cobot to weld is now extremely simple and cost-effective. So whether you are in education or manufacturing, welding with cobots is here for you.



The answer is no.

Traditional industrial robot welding can be complex, as the skills required would be more robot programming-focused. However, a cobot solution redefines this as cobot programming is simple. If you know how to weld, then the programming will be straightforward.



Having a mobile platform to allow you to move your new cobot welding work colleague around your factory, with your tooling, welder and controllers all together, certainly makes an excellent investment.

Some companies new to cobots sometimes raise concerns about not utilising it enough. However, the beauty of cobots is that they can quickly be repurposed to carry out other tasks, and in the case of fabrication and metal working, this could be CNC loading, polishing, and grinding, there will always be plenty of scope for the cobot to make you more competitive and flexible.

If you would like more information on our trolleys, want to see a cobot welding, or have a general demo of cobots, please get in touch.


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    To show the possibilities first hand and simplistic nature of collaborative robots SP Elements can arrange to demo on-site with clients. This will also allow us to demonstrate that no previous robot programming experience is required.

    Braden Henderson – [email protected] – 07761514749